This is the swinging defence hand that was dealt at the Hirabaug T/4 on Thursday (Deal 37).

South leads the SK against a normal 3NT contract played by East. (Not the Q, because that would promise a holding of KQ109.. partner is asked to unblock the J if he has it, or give count.)

South led the ♠K, ducked by E.

South now found the only shift to retain a chance for the defence - a heart.

North won the A and played a spade through declarer's AJ.

East has to perforce duck again.. South wins the ♠10 and plays?

South should realise that his hand will play no further part in the defence.. To beat the contract, North must have one of the minor Kings and precisely AQJ.. so South reverts back to hearts!

Now, when North enters with the ♣K, he can cash the Q for the setting trick.

The beauty of this hand is that declarer can do nothing about it.. all his actions are forced.

NS No. EW No. NS Score
19 17 -400
20 16 -400
21 15 -400
1 14 +50
2 13 -430
3 12 -400
4 11 +150
11 4 -400
12 3 -430
13 2 -400
14 1 -430
15 21 -400
16 20 -400
17 19 -400

As we can see, only one table got +50.. team no. 1 -> Bapat team.. I don'td know who were the NS pair, and what the final contract was on their table.

Team 4 also got a positive result (+150), but that looks like a freak result.