Older Minutes of Meetings

Minutes of The Executive Committee Meeting held on 17/09/2015 at 7.30 p.m. at PYC Hindu Gymkhana.

The Executive Committee Meeting of The Association was held on 17/09/2015 at 7.30 p.m. at PYC Hindu Gymkhana. Following members were present.
1. Sh. D. N. Kelkar --- President
2. Sh. Shirish Karkarey --- Hon. Secretary
3. Sh. D. V. Karmarkar --- Hon. Treasurer
4. Mrs. Anjali Rahalkar --- Committee Member
5. Sh. Suhas Vaidya --- Permanent Invitee
6. Sh. Anand Patil --- Permanent Invitee
7. Mrs. Aditi Sahastrabudhe --- Permanent Invitee

Mr. Pramod Joshi, Mr. C.K.Damle and Dr. Pingale could not attend the meeting due to some unavoidable circumstances. The meeting was presided over by The President of The Association. All the agenda items were discussed.

1. To read and confirm the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting.

The Hon. Secretary read out the minutes of the last meeting held on 27/08/2015. A letter has been issued to Mr. Chitale. Zero Tolerance policy is already in place. It has been decided to send the same to all the clubs requesting them to follow it at all their tournaments with immediate effect. The minutes were approved unanimously.

2. To review the accounts of PRBA events held during the review period.

The Hon. Treasurer gave details of accounts for the events held during the review period. Only one event was held during the review period in which The Association got a surplus of Rs. 4100/-. This is mainly due to increase in entry fees. The overall position of The Association is satisfactory.

3. To finalize the monthly calendar for the month of October 2015.

The monthly calendar for the month of October was finalized after consulting all the clubs. A Mixed pair’s event will be held at PYC on 22/10/2015 which is an extra Thursday available.

4. To review the requirements of Winter Nationals

Mr. Suhas Vaidya presented the list of various requirements of winter nationals. Procuring tables, chairs, stationery items, sign boards, bridge mates, boards badges, projectors, screens, laptops, volunteers, inaugural function, lodging-boarding arrangements for technical staff and BFI officials and many other requirements were discussed. He also presented the tentative budget for various items of expenditure vis-à-vis the sources of income. The work has been delegated to different committee members.
It was decided to get a feedback of compliance from all committee members from time to time and also meet at regular intervals whenever necessary. The work will be carried out under the supervision of Mr. Suhas Vaidya.
All the committee members were once again requested to get maximum possible sponsorship.

5. Any other matter with the permission of the chair.

We have received a letter from The Deccan Club Hirabaug requesting us to make available our dealing machine to their premises for their state level tournament to be held on 18th and 24-25th October 2015. We have already taken a decision of not moving the dealing machine from our office. Therefore, the request of The Deccan Club Hirabaug cannot be considered. However, it was reiterated that we are not averse to helping them in making available the dealing machine, boards and the bidding boxes. Any club is welcome to get their requirement done by coordinating with the empanelled dealing machine operators. It was decided to inform this to The Deccan Club, Hirabaug in reply to their letter. Mr. Ravindra Bhave has expressed a desire to be a part of dealing machine operators panel. The same was accepted as he is already an experienced operator.
The prizes for sectional pairs, the only event conducted by us these days will be enhanced with immediate effect. It will be Rs.400/- and Rs.300/- for section A and B and Rs.400/-,Rs.300/- and Rs. 200/- for Section C. Suitable prizes will be given for any other PRBA event whenever held.
There has been a popular demand from many members to offer a snack dish at our events instead of biscuits. This was due to the costing analysis ensuring that we do not incur losses if not a surplus. However, it has been decided to offer a snack dish for our events henceforth in view of enhancement in the entry fee.
We have received notices from income tax dept. asking us to show cause as to why we have not filed our returns for the FY 2012-13,2013-14. We have already consulted our CA and are doing the needful. We are also trying our best to save maximum possible tax by preferring an appeal. However, there is a possibility that we may have to pay tax for these years amounting to may be up to Rs. 3 Lacs, in view of substantial surplus made by us from The Summer Nationals held in February 2013. The Committee has authorized Mr. Karmarkar to sort out this matter and do the needful including payment of tax+interest.
The meeting ended at 8.30 p.m. after proposing vote of thanks to the chair.

Minutes proposed by Anand Patil

Minutes seconded by Mrs. Aditi Sahastrabudhe

Shirish Karkarey
Hon. Secretary

Minutes of The Executive Committee Meeting held on 27/08/2015 at 7.30 p. m. at PYC Hindu Gymkhana

The Executive Committee Meeting of the Association was held on 27/08/2015 at 7.30 p. m. at Pyc Hindu Gymkhana . Following members were present.
1. Sh. D. N. Kelkar --- President
2. Sh. Shirish Karkarey --- Hon. Secretary
3. Sh. D. V. Karmarkar --- Hon. Treasurer
4. Sh. C. K. Damle --- Committee Member
5. Mrs. A njali Rahalkar --- Committee Member
6. Sh. Suhas Vaidya --- Permanent Invitee
7. Sh. Dr. Jayant Pingale --- Permanent Invitee

Sh. Pramod Joshi, Sh. Anand Patil and Mrs. Aditi Sahastrabudhe could not attend the meeting as all of them were out of station. The meeting was presided over by The President of The Association. All the agenda items were discussed.

1. To read and confirm the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting.

The Hon. Secretary read out the minutes of the last meeting held on 12/07/2015. Felicitation of the members who have represented the country is still pending. It was decided to organize this immediately after the winter nationals.
Trials were held for selecting a team to represent PRBA at the inter state championships to be held at Nagpur. Unfortunately, none of the teams who played super league and were eligible to represent, in order of merit, came forward. It was therefore decided to nominate a team from amongst the eligible members. A mail was sent to all the members calling for nominations. Unfortunately, this also evoked a very poor response. The idea was to try and nominate a best team. Finally, a team under the captaincy of Mr. Panchi has been nominated for representing PRBA. We wish them good luck.
We have already remitted RS. 100000/- to BFI towards World championships as agreed in the AGM. We have also purchased a new laptop and two printers required for winter nationals. The minutes were approved unanimously.

2. To review the accounts of PRBA during the review period.

The Hon. Treasurer gave details of accounts of PRBA events held during the review period. Only one event was held, in which The Association got a surplus of Rs. 1600/-

3. To finalize the monthly calendar for the month of September, 2015.

The monthly calendar for the month of September, 2015 was finalized after consulting all the clubs.

4. To discuss the letter received from Mr. C. K. Damle

The Hon. Secretary read out a letter given by Mr. C. K. Damle. He has lodged a complaint against Mr. Avinash Chitale, a member, strongly objecting to his behavior and using abusive language against him at a PRBA event held on 09/08/2015 at PYC Ladies Branch. Mr. Damle narrated the incident in detail and demanded a very stern action against Mr. Chitale including a ban on him for a few months. Mr. Suhas Vaidya, who was a director for the tournament endorsed Mr. Damle’s views as he was a witness for the incident.
Mr. Chitale has been involved into these types of behavior on earlier occasions also and has been pardoned. However, in the larger interest of the game and not to vitiate the bridge atmosphere, the committee members were of the opinion that he should be given a final opportunity to improve his behavior and language. It was decided to issue a strong warning letter to Mr. Chitale advising him to desist from such practices henceforth, failing which a very stern action including a ban on playing might be taken.
We already have a zero tolerance policy in place. It was decided to follow the same strictly at all the PRBA events.

5. To decide the functioning of the dealing machine.

The dealing machine is kept at the office of The Association at Prabhat road. The dealing activity takes place there only as per the requirement of the clubs except on a few occasions when the machine is moved to that venue to cope up with the requirement of that club for a bigger tournament. There has been a long debate on this issue amongst members including the issue of secrecy of deals. The issue was discussed in detail in the recently concluded AGM of The Association. Some members suggested having instant dealing just before the event by shifting the machine to the respective venues. The committee discussed the issue threafter. It was unanimously decided that the machine will not be shifted to any venue in future putting to rest all the arguments regarding its safety, working, viability etc. The respective clubs can try and get the dealing done from the dealing committee members and operators on the same day of the tournament or a day in advance. The clubs have to plan the dealing requirement for a bigger tournament in consultation with the dealing committee.
The present dealing machine committee comprises of Mr. Dilip Karmarkar, Mr. Pramod Joshi and Mr. Kaustubh Bendre. Mr. Karmarkar has submitted his resignation from the said committee for personal reasons. The same was accepted. The dealing machine operators who have volunteered to work on a non playing basis, as decided in the AGM include Pramod Joshi, Mr. Yogesh Abhyankar, Mr. Suhas Vaidya, Mr. Shirish Karkarey and Dr Ajit Gurjar. Mr. Makrand Kelkar has requested to include his name which was accepted. More members can come forward and join. However, it is expected that they should get a sufficient training from the other trained people and the committee members before independently taking up the assignment.
Mr. Karkarey suggested purchasing one more machine in view of the aging of the present one. The present machine after necessary adjustments and servicing is working fine Thanks to Mr. Kaustubh Bendre for resolving the issue. It was therefore decided to defer the issue of purchasing a new machine for the time being. The same can be purchased as and when necessary.

6. Any other business with the permission of the chair.

Mr. Suhas Vaidya apprised the committee of various requirements for the ensuing winter nationals. We have to gear up now for the preparations. The brochure has already been circulated to all. A new web site is also opened on www.bridgewebs.com/winternationals exclusively for the event. All the committee members were requested to get maximum possible sponsorships and also put in their best efforts for the success of the championships.
The meeting ended at 8.30p. m. after proposing vote of thanks to the chair.

Minutes proposed by C. K. Damle

Minutes seconded by Dr. Pingale

Shirish Karkarey
Hon. Secretary

Minutes of The Annual General Meeting held on 6th Aug. 2015 at 7.30 p.m. at PYC Hindu Gymkhana, Pune.

The Annual General Meeting of The Association was held on 06/08/2015 at 7.30 p.m. at PYC Hindu Gymkhana. 47 members attended the meeting which was a sufficient quorum as per the constitution. The meeting was presided over by The President of The Association. The meeting was called to order by The President. All the agenda items were discussed one by one.

1. To read and confirm the minutes of the last AGM held on 28/08/2014 and to read and confirm the minutes of any Extra ordinary or Emergency General Body Meeting held during the year.

The Hon. Secretary read out the minutes of the last Annual General Body Meeting held on 28/08/2014. Dr Behere raised the issue of copying the deals on the pen drive and uploading them on our website. The Hon. Secretary informed that the same could not be implemented due to some aspects in respect of dealing machine mechanism and divergent views on saving/deleting the deal records. The Hon. Secretary informed that the same will be discussed again this year. Mr. Yogesh Abhyankar sought details of guidelines for use of dealing machine issued by M.B.A. The Hon. Secretary informed that the same will be discussed in the meeting under the last agenda item “Any other business” and will be circulated . The minutes were unanimously approved by the house proposed by Dr. Behere and seconded by Dr. Gurjar. There was no any Extra ordinary or Emergency General Body Meeting held during the year.

2. To receive and adopt the Annual report submitted by The Executive Committee.

The Hon. Secretary presented the Annual report for the year 2014-15. The same was circulated to the members in advance. There were no queries on the report and was unanimously adopted by the house, proposed by Mr. Gujrathi and seconded by Dr. Pingale.

3. To receive and pass the accounts duly audited for the year 2014-15.

The Hon. Treasurer presented the audited annual accounts for the year 2014-2015. The same were already circulated to the members. There were no queries raised or clarifications sought. The accounts were unanimously approved and passed, proposed by Mr. Pramod Joshi seconded by Mr. C. K. Damle.

4. To elect /appoint the auditor for the current year and fix his remuneration.

The Hon. Treasurer informed the house that the present auditors M/S D. V. Kotwal & Company are doing a good job and their services are very satisfactory. The house unanimously agreed to continue them for one more year with a remuneration of RS. 2500/-. The General Body has already authorized The Executive Committee to consider enhancement in their remuneration up to 20%.

5. To consider any recommendation or resolution moved by The Executive Committee or by any voting member.

The Hon. Secretary read out a resolution moved by The Executive Committee. The Executive Committee has recommended for contributing Rs. 100000/- (Rs. ONE LAC ONLY) towards the expenses of World championships to be held in Chennai, India from 26th September to 10th October, 2015, in response to an appeal made by The President of Bridge Federation Of India, an apex body at the national level. The championships are being held in India for the FIRST time ever and the Executive Committee feels that we must contribute something for this noble and great cause. The house applauded this gesture with an exception of a few members. Mr. Pramod Joshi felt that the same is not worth it on the background that the contribution may not make much difference in view of high cost involved for which bigger sponsors have come forward. Mr. Prasanna Bhide enquired whether the same is refundable if BFI generates a surplus. The house thereafter passed the resolution with a voice vote in favor of the resolution, proposed by Mr. Pramod Joshi and seconded by Mr. C. P. Deshpande.

6. Any other business with the permission of the chair.

The President called for any suggestions from the members for the betterment of the game.

Mr. Dilip Karmarkar informed the house about framing of guidelines by M.B.A., an apex body at the state level, regarding use/operation of dealing machine and responsibilities of the organizers and dealers in keeping the safe custody of deals. Mr. Dilip Karmarkar apprised the house of the present procedure followed by P.R.B.A wherein people working on the dealing machine also play those events. He informed the house about the working of the machine which enables the dealers to play due to a provision of hiding the cards dealt. However, MBA has suggested that the people working on the dealing machine should be non playing. M.B.A. has also stated that this is required to ensure that the secrecy of the deals is maintained. It is very clear that the guidelines, although general in letter aim at pointing a finger at PRBA. There were strong reactions to this clause by majority of the members - S. N. Damle, Mr. Kumar Bhide, Mr. Gujrathi and Mr. D. N. Kelkar, to name a few who insisted for continuing the present system by posing their total faith in the people doing this job at present. However, the House felt that the guidelines may be followed if we get players who volunteer themselves for doing this job by not playing those events. Mr. Suhas Vaidya appealed to the house to come forward for the job and also suggested to pay some amount to such of those people who do the job as an incentive. Dr. Behere suggested that the dealing of boards be done just before start of the event which will be a full proof method for maintaining the secrecy of the deals. Some members supported this suggestion but, the people doing this job at present felt that the same is not practicable as this involves either movement of machine or carrying the dealt boards from the office to the venue last minute. PRBA Executive Committee has taken a decision of not moving the dealing machine to different venues except under special circumstances. The suggestion was not accepted by the house. Mr. Yogesh Abhyankar, Mr. Pramod Joshi, Mr. Suhas Vaidya, Mr. Shirish Karkarey and Dr. Ajit Gurjar have volunteered to undertake the job of dealing by not playing. It is expected that the job rotation shall be on a fortnightly/monthly basis. The House sanctioned an incentive of 500/- per pair per event to the people doing the job. The respective clubs will make their own arrangements for transporting the boards to and fro.

The House also felt that clubs should be charged more for the use of dealing machine in view of this extra burden on The Association. It was decided to charge Rs. 300/- for single session event and Rs. 600/- for a full day event. The House also decided to enhance the entry fees to Rs. 150/- from the present Rs. 100/- per pair Rs. 200/- for a trio for a single session event and Rs. 200/- per pair, Rs. 300/- for a trio for a full day event with immediate effect.

Dr. Behere suggested to conduct mixed pairs and Senior citizens events which have been stopped. The suggestion has been accepted. It was decided to hold at least one such event in the current year, Mr. Kumar Bhide has offered a sponsorship for one year for holding a monthly/annual event. The house welcomed this gesture. The modalities, budget etc will be finalized at the earliest.

Mr. Dilip Karmarkar informed the house that we have not submitted the change reports, accounts to the Charity Commissioners office for many years. The changes in the constitution changing the tenure of the elected body from one year to three years and change in number of committee members etc reported to have been done by the then body in 2002-2003 is also not there on the records of The Charity commissioner’s office. The issue has been discussed with a lawyer and she has suggested us to file an application signed by a few members under Section 41 A of The Public Trusts ACT 1950, praying for holding fresh elections for all the posts as per the existing constitution under the directions of The Honble Charity Commissioner Pune. The lawyer has advised us to pass a resolution in the General Body Meeting permitting the members (4 or 5 members) to file the said application. The house unanimously passed the resolution permitting the members to appoint a suitable lawyer and file the application.

The present committee will assist these members in complying with the legal requirements. The House also permitted payment of legal fees on actuals basis.

The House adjourned till the next meeting after proposing vote of thanks by the Hon. Secretary.

The meeting ended at 9.00 p. m.

Shirish Karkarey
Hon. Secretary

Minutes of The Executive Committee Meeting held on 25/06/2015 at PYC Hindu Gymkhana at 7.30 p.m.

The Executive Committee Meeting of The Association was held on 25/06/2015 at PYC Hindu Gymkhana at 7.30 p.m. Following members were present.
1. Sh. D. N. Kelkar --- President
2. Sh. Shirish Karkarey --- Hon. Secretary
3. Sh. D. V. Karmarkar --- Hon. Treasurer
4. Sh. C. K. Damle --- Committee Member
5. Sh. Pramod Joshi --- Committee Member
6. Mrs. Anjali Rahalkar --- Committee Member
7. Sh. Suhas Vaidya --- Permanent Invitee
8. Dr. Jayant Pingale --- Permanent Invitee
9. Sh. Anand Patil --- Permanent Invitee
10. Mrs. Aditi Sahastrabudhe --- Permanent Invitee

The meeting was presided over by the President of The Association. All the agenda items were discussed.

1. To read and confirm the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting

The Hon. Secretary read out the minutes of the last meeting held on 28/05/2015. The worldwide pairs were held on 5th and 6th June, 2015 as scheduled. There was a good response to both the events. All the committee members have assured to give their best for the ensuing winter nationals to be held from 16th to 22nd November 2015. The minutes were approved unanimously.

2. To review the accounts of PRBA events held during the review period

The Hon. Treasurer gave details of accounts of the events held during the review period. One sectional pairs and two worldwide pairs event were held during the review period. The Association made a surplus of Rs.425/-,Rs.1300/- and Rs.1200/- respectively from these events.

3. To finalize the monthly calendar for the month of July, 2015.

The monthly calendar for the month of July, 2015 was finalized after consulting all the clubs. The same will be circulated shortly.

4. To finalize the accounts of PRBA state level event held on 23rd and 24th May, 2015.

The accounts for the state level event were finalized. The treasurer gave details of income and expenditure incurred for the event. We got a sponsorship of RS. 100000/- from M/S Mayur Renergy for the event. The Association had to spend RS. 19975/- from its corpus.

5. Any other business with the permission of the chair.

The Winter Nationals are fast approaching. Various aspects of the same were discussed.
Mr. Bharat Paranjape, Co-chairman, Reception Committee was specially invited for the meeting for discussing various issues. The Hon. Secretary welcomed him for the meeting. Mr. Bharat Paranjpe informed that M/S Guardian Corporation, the title sponsor, have agreed to give a sponsorship of Rs. 7.5 lacks. We have in fact received the first installment of Rs. 2.5 lacks. Mr. Paranjape has also assured to get a few more sponsors of around 2-3 lacks. He has assured to get sponsorship from M/S Fosters for supply of mineral water. He suggested getting our all stationery and banners from a particular agency, who in turn will offer a part of their bill as sponsorship. It was decided to explore this.
BFI our parent body has suggested offering only working/business lunch instead of a full course meal. It was decided to discuss this with the caterer attached to the Harshal Halls.
Mr. Bharat Paranjape suggested to make all out efforts for popularizing this game amongst the youth and offered his services for the initiative. We may have to visit various colleges, Corporates and Schools for this. Mr. Pramod Joshi informed the efforts made in this direction in the past and the poor response from colleges, schools etc. However, it was decided to try it out once more.
Mr. Shirish Karkarey, suggested starting coaching programmes for newcomers. Here again, our experience is not very encouraging. The similar programmes held earlier did not evoke the expected response. It was however decided to go for this again. We may circulate this shortly.
Mr. Bharat Paranjape was thanked by the President for his active participation in the meeting and also giving valuable suggestions.
The meeting ended at 8.45 p. m. after proposing vote of thanks to the chair.

Minutes proposed by Dr. Jayant Pingale

Minutes seconded by C. K. Damle

Shirish Karkarey
Hon. Secretary

Minutes of The Executive Committee Meeting held on 28/05/2015 at PYC Hindu Gym. at 7.30 p.m.

The Executive Committee Meeting of the Association was held on 28/05/2015 at PYC Hindu Gym. at 7.30 p.m. Following members were present.

1. Sh. D. N. Kelkar --- President
2. Sh. D. V. Karmarkar --- Hon. Treasurer
3. Sh.C. K. Damle --- Committee Member
4. Mrs. Anjali Rahalkar --- Committee Member
5. Sh. Suhas Vaidya --- Permanent Invitee
6. Dr. Pingale --- Permanent Invitee
7. Mrs. Aditi Sahastrabudhe --- Permanent Invitee
Sh. Shirish Karkarey, Sh. Pramod Joshi and Sh. Anand Patil were not present due to some other commitment. The meeting was presided over by The President of The Association. All the agenda items were discussed.

1. To read and confirm the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting

The Hon. Treasurer, in the absence of the Hon. Secretary read out the minutes of the last meeting held on 23/04/2015.The state level event was held on 23rd and 24 Th May, 2015 as scheduled. 37 teams and 69 pairs participated. The tournament was a grand success. We are thankful to M/S Mayur Renergy for sponsoring the tournament this year also. We are also thankful to Sh. J. K. Bhosale President MBA and PRBA member for getting this sponsorship. The preparations for the winter nationals have started and will pick up now. The minutes were approved unanimously.

2. To review the account of PRBA events held during the review period.

The Hon. Treasurer gave details of accounts of PRBA events held during the review period. Two events were held during the review period. The Association got a surplus of Rs. 1305/- in one event and a deficit of Rs. 400/- in the other event. (This was Deccan Gymkhana event held by us at PYC due to unavailability of DG venue)

3. To finalize the monthly calendar for the month of June 2015.

The monthly calendar for the month of June 2015 was finalized after consulting all the clubs. Simultaneous world pairs will be held on 5th and 6th June 2015 at PYC and Hirabaug.The monthly programme and the WW Pairs circulars will be distributed shortly.

4. To finalize the accounts of the PRBA state level event held on 23rd and 24th May, 2015.

The Hon. Treasurer gave details of accounts of state level event held on 23rd & 24th May,15 37 teams and 69 pairs participated. The tournament was a grand success. The total entry fee received was Rs. 67700/- The sponsorship was Rs. 100000/- The total expenditure came to Rs. 187675/-(Breakup available with the Hon. Treasurer) There was net outflow of Rs. 19975/- from PRBA corpus.

5. Any other business with the permission of the chair.

All the committee members were once again requested to get maximum possible sponsorship for the ensuing winter nationals to be held from 16th to 22nd Nove. 2015, .Mr. Suhas Vaidya has agreed to coordinate the World wide pairs to be held on 5th and 6th June, 2015. He has in fact received the deals, instructions etc. from WBF. The booklets containing deals and commentary will be printed shortly.Col. Rugge has lodged a complaint against Mr. Tarkas for misbehavior and using bad language while playing a tournament. The issue was discussed and Mr. Tarkas has been suitably advised/warned to desist from such practices in future.Mr Suhas Vaidya and Mr. Dilip Karmarkar raised the issue of workload vis-à-vis the involvement of committee members during state level event. It is expected of everyone to share the workload voluntarily without being asked. All the committee members assured to take a note of this for the future.
The meeting ended at 8.30 p.m. after proposing vote of thanks to the chair.

Minutes proposed by C. K. Damle

Minutes seconded by Dr. Pingale

Shirish Karkarey
Hon. Secretary