Minutes of The Executive Committee Meeting held on 23/04/15 at 7.30 p.m. at the PYC Ladies Branch.

The Executive Committee Meeting of The Association was held on 23/04/2015 at 7.30 p.m. at the PYC Ladies Branch. Following members were present.

1. Sh. D. N. Kelkar --- President
2. Sh. Shirish Karkarey --- Hon. Secretary
3. Sh. D. V. Karmarkar --- Hon. Treasurer
4. Sh. C. K. Damle --- Committee Member
5. Mrs. Anjali Rahalkar --- Committee Member
6. Sh. Suhas Vaidya --- Permanent Invitee
7. Dr. Pingale --- Permanent Invitee
8. Mrs. Aditi Sahastrabudhe --- Permanent Invitee

Shri Pramod Joshi and Shri Anand Patil were not present due to some unforeseen circumstances. The meeting was presided over by the President of the Association. All the agenda items were discussed.

1. To read and confirm the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting.

The Hon. Secretary read out the minutes of the last meeting held on 19/03/2015. The sponsorship letters have been distributed to some potential sponsors. The state level event will be held on 23rd and 24th May 2015 as scheduled. The brochure has already been distributed. The minutes were approved unanimously.

2. To review the accounts of PRBA events during the review period.

The Hon. Treasurer gave details of events held during the last two months as he was not present for the last meeting. The Association conducted two events during the review period and got a surplus of Rs. 1450/- and Rs. 1610/- from these events. The overall position is satisfactory.

3. To finalize the monthly calendar for the month of May 2015.

The monthly calendar for the month of May 2015 was finalized after consulting all the clubs. The same will be circulated shortly.

4. To finalize all the details of the PRBA state level event.

The state level event will be held on 23rd and 24th May, 2015 at PYC Hindu Gymkhana. The brochure of the tournament has already been sent to all District Associations and also distributed to all PRBA members. The other requirements viz. dealing of boards, Stationary, volunteers’ work and scoring were discussed and were allotted to committee members. We expect a good response to the event like last year. M/S Jain Irrigation group (Mayur Renergy) are the sponsors of this State Level event.

5. Any other matter with the permission of the chair.

The preparations for the Winter Nationals have started and will pick up momentum in the days to come. It was decided to purchase another 100 bidding boxes, the prices of which are sure to go up after a few months.

The meeting ended at 8.30 p.m. after proposing vote of thanks to the chair.

Minutes proposed by Dr. Jayant Pingale

Minutes seconded by Mrs. Anjali Rahalkar

Shirish Karkarey
Hon. Secretary

Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting held on 19/03/2015 at 6.30 p.m. at Deccan Gymkhana Club.

The Executive Committee Meeting of The Association was held on 19/02/2015 at 6.30 p.m. at Deccan Gymkhana Club. Following members were present.

1. Shri. D. N. Kelkar --- President
2. Shri. Shirish Karkarey --- Hon. Secretary
3. Shri. C. K. Damle --- Committee Member
5. Shri. Pramod Joshi --- Committee Member
6. Mrs. Anjali Rahalkar --- Committee Member
7. Shri. Suhas Vaidya --- Permanent Invitee
8. Mrs. Aditi Sahastrabudhe --- Permanent Invitee

Mr. Anand Patil, Dilip Karmarkar & Dr. Pingale could not attend the meeting due to some unavoidable circumstances. The meeting was presided over by The President of the Association. All the agenda items were discussed.

1. To read and confirm the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting.

The Hon. Secretary read out the minutes of the last meeting held on 19/02/2015. Winter nationals will be held in Pune from 16th to 22nd November 2015. Rs. 4 lacs have already been paid to Harshal Gardens as an advance. Mr. Suhas Vaidya gave details of various committees to be formed and the names of various members/dignitaries to be included in various committees. Sponsorship letters have been printed and will be distributed to all the potential sponsors / members very soon. An Apex Committee for the winter nationals will be formed in May 2015.All the committee members were requested to explore the possibilities of sponsorship right from now. The minutes were approved unanimously.

2. To review the accounts of PRBA during the review period.

The Hon. Treasurer did not attend the meeting, hence the details of the events held during the review period were not available. It was decided to get the details for the next meeting. The overall position of the Association is satisfactory.

3. To finalize the monthly calendar for the month of March,2015.

The monthly calendar for the month of April 2015 was finalized after consulting all clubs. PYC Hindu Gymkhana has agreed to conduct an extra event whenever required.

4. Any other business with the permission of the chair.

Jain Irrigation group has sponsored the PRBA State level event last year. Mr. J. K. Bhosale confirmed the sponsorship of Rs. 1 lac from the Jain Irrigation Group for the PRBA State level event for this year also. Accordingly MBA has given 23 & 24 May as the dates for our State level event. The venue will be PYC Hindu Gymkhana and the Brochure of the event is also ready. The other detaqils will be finalized very soon and the brochure will be circulated to all shortly.

The meeting ended at 7.45 p.m. after proposing vote of thanks to the chair.

Minutes proposed by C. K. Damle

Minutes seconded by Anjali Rahalkar

Shirish Karkarey
Hon. Secretary

Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting held on 19/02/2015 at 6.30 p.m. at Deccan Gymkhana Club.

The Executive Committee Meeting of The Association was held on 19/02/2015 at 6.30 p.m. at Deccan Gymkhana Club. Following members were present.

1. Shri. D. N. Kelkar --- President
2. Shri. Shirish Karkarey --- Hon. Secretary
3. Shri. D. V. Karmarkar --- Hon Treasurer
4. Shri. C. K. Damle --- Committee Member
5. Shri. Pramod Joshi --- Committee Member
6. Mrs. Anjali Rahalkar --- Committee Member
7. Shri. Suhas Vaidya --- Permanent Invitee
8. Mrs. Aditi Sahastrabudhe --- Permanent Invitee
9. Dr. J. Pingale --- Permanent Invitee

Mr. Anand Patil could not attend the meeting due to some unavoidable circumstances. The meeting was presided over by The President of the Association. All the agenda items were discussed.

1. To read and confirm the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting.

The Hon. Secretary read out the minutes of the last meeting held on 22/01/2015. The felicitation of all those members, who have represented India, is yet to be done. It was decided to finalize this at the earliest. Winter nationals will be held in Pune from 16th to 22nd November 2015. Rs. 4 lacs have already been paid to Harshal Gardens as an advance. Mr. Suhas Vaidya gave details of various committees to be formed and the names of various members/dignitaries to be included in various committees. Sponsorship letters are ready. It was decided to get them printed and send to as many potential sponsors as possible in the coming days. An Apex Committee for the winter nationals will be formed in May 2015.All the committee members were requested to explore the possibilities of sponsorship right from now. The minutes were approved unanimously.

2. To review the accounts of PRBA during the review period.

The Hon. Treasurer gave details of accounts of PRBA during the review period. Only one event was accounted for during the review period in which the Association made a surplus of Rs. 1200/-. The overall position of the Association is satisfactory.

3. To finalize the monthly calendar for the month of March,2015.

The monthly calendar for the month of March 2015 was finalized after consulting all the clubs.PYC Club has agreed to conduct an extra event as there are 5 Sundays in this month.

4. Any other business with the permission of the chair.

The details of proposed Winter Nationals were discussed. Mr. J. K. Bhosale, MBA President, Mr. Bharat Paranjpe, the main source in getting the title sponsorship from M/S Guardian Corporation and Mr. Anil Padhye, a PRBA member, a renowned player and a great supporter of the game were specially invited for the meeting to discuss various aspects of Winter Nationals. Mr. Suhas Vaidya explained in detail various aspects such as budget, infrastructure, manpower, catering etc.Mr. J. K. Bhosale has agreed to get a sponsorship of at least Rs. 5 lacs. Mr. Bharat Paranjpe also agreed to get as many sponsors as possible. Mr. Anil Padhye has agreed to take care of printing of stationery, sponsorship letters and any other thing apart from getting substantial sponsorship. The special invitees gave some valuable suggestions which have been noted for further action. They sought certain clarifications regarding the format and technical aspects. Mr. Suhas Vaidya clarified their doubts. Mr. Anil Padhye suggested to have our own team for BBO broadcast for the ensuing Winter Nationals by training them right from now. This will save a substantial amount as we have to spend a lot on the professional BBO operators. The suggestion is well taken. It was decided to work on this in the months to come. The President thanked the special invitees for attending the meeting. The meeting discussed certain other issues after the invitees left. Mr. D. N. Kelkar informed that the selected pair for Rama Jain finals, have requested for increasing the incentive amount. We had in fact thought of withdrawing this scheme for Rama Jain event but have decided to continue. As such, the request of the selected pair can not be considered.

The meeting ended at 7.45 p.m. after proposing vote of thanks to the chair.

Minutes proposed by D. V. Karmarkar

Minutes seconded by Aditi Sahastrabudhe

Shirish Karkarey
Hon. Secretary

Older Minutes of Meetings

Minutes of The Executive Committee Meeting held on 22/01/2015 at 7.30 p.m. at PYC Hindu Gymkhana.

The Executive Committee Meeting of the Association was held on 22/01/2015 at 7.30 p.m. at PYC Hindu Gymkhana. Following members were present.

1. Shri. Shirish Karkarey --- Hon. Secretary
2. Shri. D. V. Karmarkar --- Hon. Treasurer
3. Shri. C. K. Damale --- Committee Member
4. Shri. Pramod Joshi --- -------------do-----------
5. Mrs. Anjali Rahalkar -------------do------------
6. Shri. Suhas Vaidya --- Permanent Invitee
7. Mrs. Aditi Sahastrabudhe -------------do-------------

Shri. D. N. Kelkar, Dr. J. Pingale and Shri. Anand Patil were absent due to preoccupation. The meeting was presided over by the Hon. Secretary in the absence of the President. All the agenda items were discussed.

1. To read and confirm the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting.

The Hon. Secretary read out the minutes of the last meeting held on 25/12/2014. We have already started functioning from the new office place. The felicitation of all those members who have represented India , is yet to be done. It was decided to finalize the list and hold the function at the earliest. MBA Summer-Monsoon league will start from 1st March, 2015. A sub-committee of Suhas Vaidya, Pramod Joshi and Dilip Karmarkar has been formed to work out the groups, assign handicap etc. The minutes were approved unanimously.

2. To review the accounts of PRBA events during the review period.

The Hon. Treasurer gave details of accounts of events held during the review period. Two events were held during the review period and the Association made a surplus of Rs.250/- and Rs.1450/- from these events.

3. To finalize the monthly calendar for the month of February 2015.

The monthly calendar for the month of February was finalized after consulting all the clubs. The same will be circulated to all the members shortly.

4. Any other matter with the permission of the chair.

The Hon. Secretary read out a letter received from MBA stating that the 57th winter nationals have been allotted to MBA and will be held in Pune from 16th Nov. to 22nd November 2015. MBA has requested PRBA to hold the same. The request was accepted by the Committee. The Winter Nationals will be held at Harshall Halls on Karve road. M/S Guardian Corporation has given a sponsorship of 8-10 lacs and will be the title sponsors. Mr. Suhas Vaidya gave details of various requirements for the nationals. He informed that the total budget for this mega event will be approx. Rs. 25 lacs. This means that we will have to make all out efforts in getting sponsorship from various corporates/companies. Sponsorship letters of different types have been prepared and will be sent to all members requesting them to get sponsors for the event. We have to pay Rs. 4 lacs as advance to Harshall Gardens immediately. The Committee approved the same. It was decided to liquidate one FD and make the payment. It was also decided to form an Apex Committee for the Winter Nationals. The same will be formed in the next meeting. We have been receiving complaints from members regarding various issues. It is observed that some of them are not even worth taking cognizance. However, whenever any complaint is received, it was felt that a sub committee be formed to address these issues. The matter may be discussed in the full-fledged committee if the sub committee feels that the same requires broader review. Accordingly a sub committee comprising Shirish Karkarey, Pramod Joshi and Dilip Karmarkar has been formed who will take an appropriate decision on any complaint received hereafter.

The meeting ended at 8.30 p.m. after proposing vote of thanks to the chair.

Minutes proposed by C. K. Damle

Minutes seconded by Aditi Sahastrabudhe

Shirish Karkarey
Hon. Secretary

Older Minutes of Meetings

Minutes of The Executive Committee Meeting held on 25/12/2014 at PYC Ladies Branch at 7.30 p.m.

The Executive Committee Meeting of the Association was held on 25/12/2014 at 7.30 p.m. at PYC Ladies Branch. Following members were present.

1. Shri. D. N. Kelkar --- President
2. Shri. Shirish Karkarey --- Hon. Secretary
3. Shri. D. V. Karmarkar --- Hon. Treasurer
4. Shri. Pramod Joshi --- Committee Member
5. Mrs. Anjali Rahalkar ------------do-----------
6. Shri. Suhas Vaidya --- Permanent Invitee

Shri. Anand Patil, Dr. Pingale, Mrs. Aditi and Shri. Damle were not present due to some unavoidable circumstances. The meeting was presided over by the President. All the agenda items were discussed.

1. To read and confirm the minutes of last Executive Committee Meeting

The Hon. Secretary read out the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting held on 27/11/2014. All the sponsors and winners of MBA summer monsoon league team event were felicitated on 11/12/2014 as scheduled. The space made available by Mr. Gurjar is ready now and we have shifted all our assets from Shubhmangal to the new place and in fact started functioning from there. The minutes were approved unanimously.

2. To review the accounts of PRBA events during the review period.

The Hon. Treasurer gave details of PRBA events held during the review period. The Association got a surplus of Rs. 1400/- from Sectional pairs, which is the only event accounted for by PRBA.

3. To finalize the monthly calendar for the month of January 2015.

The monthly calendar for the month of January was finalized after consulting all the clubs. The same will be circulated shortly.

4. To discuss and finalize the changes in the incentive scheme.

The Incentive scheme was further discussed in view of certain suggestions made by the committee members in the last meeting. It was decided to give incentive to only those members who are the residents of Pune. While it is not easy or clear cut to decide about one’s residential status, it was decided to verify this aspect before making him/her eligible for the incentive. The present Incentive scheme does not have a provision for awarding incentive to MBA Summer Monsoon League winners and runners up. It was decided to include this in the incentive scheme. The winner will get an incentive of Rs. 5000/- and the runner up will get Rs. 3000/- provided the eligibility criteria is met. Mr. Suhas Vaidya suggested that all those members who represent India at international events, through a selection process be rewarded. The suggestion was readily accepted by the committee. It was decided to give an incentive of Rs. 10000/- to all those eligible members from time to time. Mr. Shirish Karkarey suggested that all those members who have represented India at various international events be felicitated at a function, coinciding with some event by presenting them with a suitable memento. The suggestion was happily accepted by the committee. Mr. Karkarey along with Suhas have been requested to finalize the names and also the memento. The Committee has sanctioned a reasonable budget for the same.

5. Any other matter with the permission of the chair.

Various issues concerning the game were discussed. MBA summer Monsoon League will start again from 1st March 2015. It was decided to continue with the same sub – committee as per last year. The meeting ended at 8.30 p.m. after proposing vote of thanks to the chair.

Minutes proposed by Pramod Joshi

Minutes seconded by Mrs. Anjali Rahalkar

Shirish Karkarey
Hon. Secretary

Older Minutes of Meetings

Minutes of The Executive Committee Meeting held on 27/11/2014 at 7.30 p. m. at PYC Ladies Club.

The Executive Committee Meeting of The Association was held on 27/11/2014 at 7.30 p. m. at PYC Ladies Club, Following members were present.
1) Shri. D. N. Kelkar --- President
2) Shri. Shirish Karkarey --- Hon. Secretary
3) Shri. D. V. Karmarkar --- Hon. Treasurer
4) Shri. C. K. Damle --- Committee Member
5) Shri. Pramod Joshi -------------do----------
6) Mrs. Anjali Rahalkar -------------do-----------
7) Mrs. Aditi Sahastrabudhe --- Permanent Invitee

Shri. Suhas Vaidya, Dr. Pingale and Shri. Anand Patil were absent due to preoccupation The meeting was presided over by The President of The Association. All the agenda items were discussed.

1) To read and confirm the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting.

The Hon. Secretary read out the minutes of the last meeting held on 22/10/2014. It has been decided to felicitate all the sponsors on 11/12/2014 at PYC by presenting them with mementoes. Mr. Pramod Joshi suggested some change in the eligibility criteria of incentive scheme. He felt that the present criteria of being resident for 3/4 months is not very clear and is difficult to assess. He suggested having some minimum number of tournaments to be played by an outstation member. Mr. Karmarkar felt that even this also may not be full proof. Mr. Shirish Karkarey suggested to have a separate list of local /resident and outstation/non resident members.We may then resolve that an outstation member will not be eligible for any incentive. It was decided to further discuss this issue in the next meeting and take a final decision. The minutes were approved unanimously.

2) To review the accounts of PRBA events during the review period.

The Hon. Treasurer gave details of accounts of PRBA events held during the review period. The Association directly holds only one event i.e. Sectional pairs. The Association got a surplus of Rs. 900/- from this event.

3) To finalize the monthly calendar for the month of December 2014.

The monthly calendar for the month of December 2014 was finalized after consulting all the clubs.

4) To discuss and finalize the details of office space offered by Mr. Subodh Gurjar.

Mr. Subodh Gurjar, our member has offered a small space for our office on Prabhat road. The committee members after visiting the place have agreed to go for it. The rent for the same will be Rs. 500/- p. m. which is very reasonable. However the room requires a total facelift, the expenditure for which has to be borne by us. A quotation has been obtained for Rs. 13000/- to 14000/- The Executive Committee accepted this quotation and has asked the contractor to go ahead with the required work which among other thing involves painting electricity connection, pest control, repairs to door etc. We have purchased 4 new chairs also. We will start functioning from the new place very shortly after shifting all our assets lying at Shubhmangal. We are thankful to Shrikant Bendre for providing us his venue for all these years. We are also thankful to Mr. Subodh Gurjar for making available the present space for a very small consideration.

5) Any other business with the permission of the chair.

Mr. Prasanna Bhide has written a letter seeking some clarifications on the incentive scheme and has given some suggestions. The issue was discussed in detail. It was decided to give a suitable reply to his letter.

The meeting ended at 8.30 p. m. after proposing vote of thanks to the chair.

Minutes proposed by Anjali Rahalkar

Minutes seconded by C. K. Damle

Shirish Karkarey
Hon. Secretary

Older Minutes of Meetings

Minutes of The Executive Committee Meeting held on 22/10/2014 at 7.30 p.m. at PYC Hindu Gymkhana.

The Executive Committee Meeting of The Association was held on 22/10/2014 at 7.30 p.m. at PYC Club. Following members were present.
1. Shri. D. N. Kelkar --- President
2. Shri. D. V. Karmarkar --- Hon. Treasurer
3. Shri. C. K. Damle --- Committee Member
4. Shri. Pramod Joshi --- Committee Member
5.Mrs. Anjali Rahalkar --- Committee Member
6. Shri. Suhas Vaidya --- Permanent Invitee

Sh. Shirish Karkarey, Sh. Anand Patil, Dr. Pingale and Mrs. Aditi Sahastrabudhe were not present as all of them were out of station. The meeting was presided over by The President of The Association. All the agenda items were discussed.

1. To read and confirm the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting.

The Hon. Treasurer, in the absence of Hon. Secretary, read out the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting held on 25/09/2014. Both KPIT events were held as scheduled. Accounts of KPIT events have been given to Mr. Madhav Kshirsagar. All the sponsorship amount has been spent. The minutes were approved unanimously.

2. To review the accounts of PRBA monthly events during the review period.

The Hon. Treasurer gave details of accounts of PRBA events held during the review period. The Association had a surplus of RS. 750/- from the Sectional pairs held during the review period.

3. To finalize the monthly calendar for the month of November 2014.

The monthly calendar for the month of November 2014 was finalized after consulting all the concerned clubs. The same will be circulated to all the members shortly.

4. To discuss and finalize the Incentive Scheme of PRBA for various events.

Mr. Suhas Vaidya presented the incentive scheme of PRBA for various events. The scheme is already in place. But, there were some points which required some clarifications. The scheme has been finalized now. It was decided to circulate the same to all members shortly.

5. To discuss and finalize the details of office space offered by Mr. Subodh Gurjar.

One of our members, Mr. Subodh Gurjar has offered a small space on Prabhat road for PRBA office. The Committee members have visited the place and found to be alright except that some repairs are required to be done. The matter of rent and other overheads like electricity bill etc have been discussed. It was decided to finalize the offer after once again discussing with Subodh Gurjar.

6. Any other business with the permission of the chair.

The issue of Bridge mates was discussed again. After detailed discussion, it was decided to defer the decision of purchasing Bridge mates in view of various constraints. Mr. Suhas Vaidya brought to the notice of the house that felicitating the sponsors is yet to be done. The same has been sanctioned by the General Body last year. It was decided to list out the names of sponsors and present them with some memento. Mr. C. K. Damle and Mr. Makarand Kelkar have been assigned by the Executive Committee to take up this responsibility. A reasonable budget will be sanctioned by The Association for the same.

The meeting ended at 830 p.m. after proposing vote of thanks to the chair.

Minutes proposed by C. K. Damle

Minutes seconded by Suhas Vaidya

Shirish Karkarey
Hon. Secretary

Minutes of The Executive Committee Meeting held on 25/09/2014 at 7.30 p.m. at PYC Hindu Gymkhana, Pune.

The Executive Committee Meeting of The Association was held on 25/09/2014 at 7.30 p.m. at PYC Hindu Gymkhana, Pune. Following members were present.

1. Shri. D.N. Kelkar --- President
2. Shri. Shirish Karkarey --- Hon. Secretary
3. Shri. D. V. Karmarkar --- Hon. Treasurer
4. Shri. C.K.Damle --- Committee Member
5. Shri. Pramod Joshi --- -------------do------------
6. Mrs. Anjali Rahalkar --- -------------do-------------
Shri. Suhas Vaidya, Dr. Pingale, Anand Patil and Mrs. Aditi Sahastrabudhe could not attend the meeting due to pre occupation. The meeting was presided over by The President of The Association. All the agenda items were discussed.

1. To read and confirm the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting.

The Hon. Secretary read out the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting held on 24/08/2014. The AGM of The Association was held on 28/08/2014 as scheduled. The Annual report and the audited accounts were adopted/passed by the general body unanimously. KPIT one day pairs event was held on 14/09/2014 as scheduled. The format of the sectional pairs and prizes has been modified as per the decision of the Executive Committee. The matter of purchasing bridge mates has not made any further progress. The dealing machine is now working well after carrying out the necessary maintenance work suggested by the manufacturers of the machine. The matter was referred to them by Kaustubh Bendre. We are thankful to him for the guidance. The minutes were approved unanimously.

2. To review the accounts of PRBA monthly events.

The Hon. Treasurer gave details of accounts of PRBA monthly events. PRBA accounts for only sectional pairs. The Association got a surplus of Rs. 750/- from this event during the review period Amanora pairs is conducted by Deccan Gymkhana. The surplus/defecit if any is accounted by them. The sponsorship of Rs. 1500/- by Amanora is retained by PRBA.

3. To finalize the monthly calendar for the month of October 2014.

The monthly calendar for the month of October was finalized after consulting the concerned clubs. Vikas Vaidya memorial full day pairs event will be held on 16/10/2014 at PYC and Poona club, JKB and KPIT sponsored one day Swiss league will be held on 19/10/2014 at Poona club.

4. To finalize the accounts of The KPIT sponsorship and inform them.

KPIT Technologies had given a sponsorship of Rs. 24500/-(Rs.25000-500 TDS) Two events were held viz. one day Swiss league and full day pairs and the entire amount was spent on these events. The same has been informed to them through Mr. Madhav Kshirsagar

5. Any other business with the permission of the chair.

The issue of a suitable space for PRBA office on rent was discussed. All the members were again requested to explore the possibility through their contacts. Mr. Pramod Joshi suggested that the PRBA members from the bronze medal winning Indian team at The Commonwealth games Glasgow be felicitated by giving them a memento. He also informed that the same has been done in the past. It was decided to verify this and take a decision in the next meeting. He also suggested giving incentive to Mr. Milind Athawale and Arun Bapat who came second in the interstate pairs held at Patna. It was decided to confirm this and pay them the incentive as per our incentive scheme. The meeting ended at 8.15 p. m. after proposing vote of thanks to the chair.

Minutes proposed by Mrs. Anjali Rahalkar

Minutes seconded by Dilip Karmarkar

Shirish Karkarey
Hon. Secretary

Minutes of The Executive Committee Meeting held on 24/08/2014 at 6.30 p.m. at Deccan Gymkhana Club.

The Executive Committee Meeting of The Association was held on 24/08/2014 at 6.30 p.m. at Deccan Gymkhana Club. Following members were present.

1. Shri. D. N. Kelkar --- President
2. Shri. Shirish Karkarey --- Hon. Secretary
3. Shri. D. V. Karmarkar --- Hon Treasurer
4. Shri. C. K. Damle --- Committee Member
5. Shri. Pramod Joshi --- ------------do------------
6. Mrs. Suvarna Jog --- ------------do-------------
7. Shri. Suhas Vaidya --- Permanent Invitee
8. Mrs. Aditi Sahastrabudhe --- ------------do----------------
Shri. Anand Patil and Dr. Pingale were unable to attend the meeting due to some unavoidable circumstances. The meeting was presided over by the President of The Association. All the agenda items were discussed.

1. To read and confirm the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting.

The Hon. Secretary read out the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting held on 24/07/2014.The Annual report for the year 2013-14 was approved. KPIT one day Swiss league event was held on 15/08/2014 as scheduled. 21 teams participated. The AGM of The Association will be held on 28/08/2014 as scheduled. The minutes were approved unanimously.

2. To review the accounts of PRBA events.

The Hon. Treasurer informed that only one event i.e. sectional pairs was conducted by PRBA independently. The Association incurred a deficit of RS. 100/- for this event held on 07/08/2014. The KPIT one day Swiss league was fully sponsored by KPIT.

3. To finalize the monthly calendar for the month of September 2014.

The monthly calendar for the month of September 2014 was finalized after consulting all the concerned clubs.

4. To finalize the details of KPIT one day pairs event.

The details of KPIT one day pair’s event were finalized. The event will be held on 14/09/2014 at The Poona Club Ltd. A detailed circular will be issued and circulated to all the members along with the monthly programme for September 2014.

5. Any other business with the permission of the chair.

Executive Committee Member Mrs. Suvarna Jog has submitted her resignation citing health reasons. The Committee, after discussion, accepted her resignation and thanked her for her contribution to the Association. Mrs. Anjali Rahalkar has been co-opted as a committee member in her place with immediate effect. We welcome her and look forward for a vigorous participation in the functioning of the Association. There have been a few complaints about the present form of holding sectional pairs which are held in two groups with section A having 7 tables and rest in group B. Some members have suggested to have even number of tables in both the groups. Considering all this, it was decided to have 10 tables in group A and rest in group B with immediate effect. This will ease the problem and also have a better field in group A which has been a motive in having different groups. The promotion/demotion policy will continue. However, 3 pairs instead of 2 hitherto will be demoted/promoted from group A and B. There will be two prizes of Rs. 300/- and Rs.200/- in group A, and 4 prizes of Rs.300/-,200/-100/- and Rs. 100/- in group B. Amanora pairs are now held in 2 separate groups. It was decided to qualify winners of each group for the Amanora Champion of Champions event. Shirish Karkarey and Pramod Joshi raised the issue of purchasing Bridge mates. Suhas Vaidya explained the cost factor and other difficulties viz. technical know how, safe custody, transporting them to different venues etc. After detailed discussion it was decided to call for a quotation for 30 bridge mates which is the minimum requirement for a monthly tournament. Pramod Joshi has volunteered to learn the technique and also keep custody of the bridge mates till such time we get a suitable office space. It was also decided to appeal to all members to donate generously for this as it was done in the case of dealing machine. The dealing machine is giving lot of problems these days. It is necessary to list out these problems and take up with Dealer 4, the manufacturers with some technical details. Kaustubh Bendre has been requested to look into this on a priority basis. The possibility of servicing the same locally is also being explored. The dealing work will be distributed among the committee members henceforth. All the committee members were requested to attend the AGM to be held on 28/08/2014 at PYC Hindu Gymkhana, Pune. The meeting ended at 7.30 p.m. after proposing vote of thanks to the chair.

Minutes proposed by : C. K. Damle

Minutes seconded by : Suhas Vaidya

Shirish Karkarey
Hon. Secretary

Minutes of The Executive Committee Meeting held on 24/07/2014 at 7.30 p.m. at PYC Hindu Gymkhana, Pune.

The Executive Committee Meeting of The Association was held on 24/07/2014 at 7.30 p.m. at the PYC Hindu Gymkhana. Following members were present.

1. Shri. D. N. Kelkar --- President
2. Shri. Shirish Karkarey --- Hon. Secretary
3. Shri. D. V. Karmarkar --- Hon. Treasurer
4. Shri. Pramod Joshi --- Committee member
5. Shri. Anand Patil --- Permanent invitee
6. Dr. Pingale --- -----------do-----------
7. Mrs. Aditi Sahastrabudhe --- -----------do------------

Shri. Suhas Vaidya, C.K. Damle and Mrs. Suvarna Jog could not attend the meeting due to unavoidable circumstances. The meeting was presided over by The President of The Association. All the agenda items were discussed.

1) To read and confirm the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting.

The Hon. Secretary read out the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting held on 26 June 2014. PRBA state level event and worldwide pairs were held as scheduled. 12 prizes were given for both the editions of worldwide pairs. The requisite amount of RS. 25300/- has been remitted to WBF.The minutes were approved unanimously.

2) To approve and pass the Annual Report for the year 2013-14.

The Hon. Secretary presented the annual report for the year 2013-14. The report contains details of various activities of The Association during the year. The report was discussed in detail. Members suggested a few corrections/changes which were accepted. The report was unanimously approved and passed.

3) To review the accounts of PRBA monthly and state level event.

The Hon. Treasurer gave details of all the events held during the review period. PRBA is now holding only sectional pairs at PYC Ladies club. The Association incurred a deficit of Rs.1035/- in this event. Amanora pairs are conducted by Deccan Gymkhana and any surplus/deficit is borne by them. The sponsorship of Rs. 1500/- is retained by PRBA.The net outflow for the state level event was Rs. 35000/-

4) To finalize the monthly calendar for the month of August 2014.

The monthly calendar for the month of August 2014 was finalized after consulting various clubs. Deccan gymkhana has agreed to hold one extra PRBA event.

5) To finalize the details of the KPIT event.

The KPIT sponsored one day Swiss league will be held on 15th August 2014 at PYC Ladies Branch. The circular giving full details have been prepared which will be circulated to members’ along with monthly calendar for August 2014.

6) To finalize the date and place for the PRBA Annual General Meeting

The Annual report and audited accounts will be ready in about 4 days. It was decided to hold The Annual General Meeting on 28th August 2014 at PYC Hindu Gymkhana at 7.30 p.m. All the other arrangements for conducts of the meeting are being made.

7) Any other business with the permission of the chair.

Various issues concerning the game were discussed. All the PRBA events held at Deccan Gymkhana will be held in groups with suitable promotion/demotion policy. Two prizes each in group A and B and Three prizes in group C are given hitherto for sectional pairs. It is not possible to have 3 groups at times due to less number of entries and the tournament is held in only 2 groups. It was decided to proportionately increase the no. of prizes in group B. in such a situation. The promotion/demotion policy is already in place for this event.Mr. Shirish Karkarey suggested some changes in the prize amount for both groups. It was decided to discuss this issue in the next meeting.

The meeting ended at 8.30 p.m. after proposing vote of thanks to the chair.

Minutes proposed by Dr. Pingale

Minutes seconded by Pramod Joshi

Shirish Karkarey
Hon. Secretary

Minutes of The Executive Committee Meeting held on 26/06/2014 at PYC Hindu Gymkhana at 7.30 p.m.

The Executive Committee Meeting of The Association was held on 26/06/2014 at PYC Club at 7.30 pm. Following members were present.

1. Sh. D. N. Kelkar --- President
2. Sh. Shirish Karkarey --- Hon. Secretary
3. Sh. D. V. Karmarkar --- Hon. Treasurer
4. Dr. Pingale --- Permanent Invitee
Suhas Vaidya, C. K. Damle, Anand Patil, Pramod Joshi, Mrs. Suvarna Jog and Mrs. Aditi Sahastrabudhe could not attend the meeting due to various reasons. The meeting was presided over by the President of The Association. All the agenda items were discussed.

1. To read and confirm the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting.

The Hon. Secretary read out the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting held on 22/05/2014. The state level event held on 31st May and 1st June 2014 was a grand success. Worldwide simultaneous pairs were held on 6th and 7th June 2014 as scheduled. There were 45 entries on both the days. Mr. Ajit Chakradeo and Nitin Shah finished in the top 100 pairs at world level on both the days (both editions) PRBA heartily congratulates them for this achievement. The minutes were approved unanimously.

2. To review the accounts of PRBA monthly and state level events.

The Hon. Treasurer gave details of accounts of all PRBA events held during the review period. Only one event was held in which PRBA got a deficit of RS. 1000/- There was a deficit of Rs. 5140/- in the Worldwide pairs events. PRBA had to spend about RS. 35000/- for the state level event against RS. 100000/- sanctioned this was due to a sponsorship of Rs. 100000/- from M/S Mayur Renergy for the event.

3. To finalize the monthly calendar for the month of July 2014.

The monthly calendar for the month of July 2014 was finalized after consulting the concerned clubs.

4. To finalize the date and place for PRBA Annual General Meeting.

It was decided to finalize the date and venue for The Annual General Meeting of the Association in the next meeting as the accounts are in the process of finalizing for audit. The same is expected to be over in a fortnight or so.

5. Any other business with the permission of the chair.

We had announced separate prizes for NS and EW for both the events presuming that there will be separate winners at world level too. However this time a combined winner was to be decided at world level. We therefore had to have a scrambled Mitchell movement on both days and announce single winner. The Committee decided to give 12 prizes in the order of rankings instead of 6 NS and 6 EW prizes. It was decided to purchase 6 new set of new boards for our use as the need for boards has gone up. The tables will be shifted to Deccan Gymkhana shortly. The Deccan Gymkhana will be allowed to use the tables for bridge and other activities till such time we make alternate arrangements. Members were again requested to search for a suitable venue for PRBA office and events.

The meeting ended at 8.30 pm after proposing vote of thanks to the chair.

Minutes proposed by D. V. Karmarkar

Minutes seconded by Dr. Pingale

Shirish Karkarey
Hon. Secretary

Minutes of The Executive Committee Meeting held on 22/05/2014 at PYC at 7.30 pm

The Executive Committee Meeting of The Association was held on 22/05/2014 at PYC Club at 7.30 p.m... Following members were present.

1) D. N. Kelkar --- President
2) Shirish Karkarey --- Hon. Secretary
3) D. V. Karmarkar --- Hon. Treasurer
4) C. K. Damle --- Committee Member
5) Pramod Joshi --- -------------do-----------
6) Mrs. Suvarna Jog --- -------------do------------
7) Dr. J. Pingale --- Permanent Invitee
8) Mrs. Aditi Sahastrabudhe --- -------------do------------
9) Mr. Suhas Vaidya --- -------------do-------------
10) Mr. Anand Patil --- -------------do-------------

The meeting was presided over by The President of The Association. All the agenda items were discussed.

1. To read and confirm the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting.

The Hon. Secretary read out the minutes of the last meeting held on 10/04/2014. It was decided to use the smart phones at a tournament on an experimental basis in the near future. The boards, Laptop, dealing machine, printer and other things will be kept at Shubhmangal Office. The tables will be shifted to Deccan Gymkhana at the earliest. Sectional pairs will be held at PYC Ladies club in the morning at 10.00 a.m. as they have conveyed their inability to hold it in the evening. Amanora pairs will be held at Deccan Gymkhana at 3.00 p.m. All the committee members were requested to search for a suitable venue for holding our tournaments on a regular basis. Mixed pairs event was held on 12/04/2014as scheduled. The minutes were approved unanimously.

2. To review the accounts of PRBA events.

The Hon. Treasurer gave details of accounts of all PRBA events held during the review period. 3 events were held in all during the review period. The Association got a surplus of Rs. 2020/- and Rs. 320/- in 2 events and one event was with a deficit of Rs. 1900/- (Mixed Pairs)

3. To finalize the monthly calendar for the month of June 2014.

The monthly calendar for the month of June 2014 was finalized after consulting all the concerned clubs.

4. To finalize the details of PRBA State level event.

All the details of the state level tournament to be held on 31st May and 1st June 2014 were finalized. It was decided to explore the possibility of having bridge mates for the event. BBO telecast has already been finalized.

5. Any other business with the permission of the chair.

World simultaneous pairs will be held on 6th and 7th June 20104. It was decided to hold both these events. Both these events will be held at Deccan club Hirabaug at 4.00 p.m. The entry fee will be Rs. 400/- per pair per event as Rs. 300/- will go to WBF towards their entry fees. CDR Ogale has agreed to get the materials, deals etc from WBF and work as a director and also upload the results on the WBF site. PRBA will give an incentive of Rs.1000/- to all those pairs who finish in the first 100 pairs at world level.

The meeting ended at 8.30 p.m. after proposing vote of thanks to the chair.

Minutes proposed by Anand Patil

Minutes seconded by C. K. Damle

Shirish Karkarey
Hon. Secretary